6th Nomination starts
Nomination Process
1. A VH MUST assign 4 evicting points to one VH and 2 evicting points to another VH he/she wants to leave the game.
2. He/she MUST also assign 2 saving points to the VH he/she wants to stay.
3. A codename (maximum of 20 characters) and justification of the votes (at least 3 sentences each) are required.
4. VH with the lowest net points becomes VH of the Week.
5. VH with highest net point becomes the evictee and a member of the jury that will choose the winner.
6. All nominations must be sent via Private Message in PBBFG Board.
7. VH who violates a nomination rule (ballot is invalidated), refuses to nominate or fails to nominate on time gets 4 evicting points.
Last Day of Nomination is on MONDAY.
Nomination Process
1. A VH MUST assign 4 evicting points to one VH and 2 evicting points to another VH he/she wants to leave the game.
2. He/she MUST also assign 2 saving points to the VH he/she wants to stay.
3. A codename (maximum of 20 characters) and justification of the votes (at least 3 sentences each) are required.
4. VH with the lowest net points becomes VH of the Week.
5. VH with highest net point becomes the evictee and a member of the jury that will choose the winner.
6. All nominations must be sent via Private Message in PBBFG Board.
7. VH who violates a nomination rule (ballot is invalidated), refuses to nominate or fails to nominate on time gets 4 evicting points.
Last Day of Nomination is on MONDAY.
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