All Star PBBFG

Monday, December 11, 2006

5th Nomination starts

Nomination Process

1. A VH MUST assign 4 evicting points to one VH and 2 evicting points to another VH he/she wants to leave the game.
2. He/she MUST also assign 2 saving points to the VH he/she wants to stay.
3. A codename (maximum of 20 characters) and justification of the votes (at least 3 sentences each) are required.
4. VH with the lowest net points becomes VH of the Week.
5. VH with highest net point becomes the evictee.
6. All nominations must be sent via Private Message in PBBFG Board.
7. VH who violates a nomination rule (ballot is invalidated), refuses to nominate or fails to nominate on time gets 4 evicting points.

Last Day of Nomination is on FRIDAY.


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