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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Maristel blogs: Journey of Our Life

Life's a stage... Sheesh... lolx... Just a bunch of my vivid moments... Life at it's best"est" and worst, everrrr But still, writings won't differ to who and what I really am... It isn't deceiving but just PLAIN and AU NATURELLE, mOi... > xoxo < mwaaaHugggZz mwahness... hugs"ness" cuteness coolness... CHILLness MEEH...
Journey of Our Life
Waaaah!!! Is there really as such? *lolz* Just kindda askin the obvious... Of course there is. October 31's the Halloween, right? November 01's All Saints Day and November 02's All Souls Day...

Well, just my own vision of the road were travelling ang through right now... As a Psychology Student years ago... I've loved and still love reading books about life and after it... It reaches deep into my mind, heart and soul... It reverberates & echoes what I know TO BE TRUE FOR MYSELF. Like LIFE & DEATH... Some denies and can't accept the way their life is and how death tore us apart, for there may be some roads our loved ones may have not taked or travelled in to...

But wherever our dear departed may be... I know and I believe that they're happy now... Seeing us from above were they're with Our Creator...

Another reason maybe which echoes loudly within me. Based on my own points of view, it's "US" who choose our own path and the one we choose may or may not affect our destiny. On one road, we can follow the masses making it is an easier way or path while the road we may be is the lonely one. One hardship maybe because people don't understand why we should want to travel that certain road. Most people are not willing to travel this road because of FEAR, the FEAR OF REJECTION, THE FEAR of ISOLATION and the FEAR of being ALONE. This fear drives us to conformity, to following the multitude, but we just ask... IS THIS THE ROAD WE SHOULD TAKE?

Just a question though... Which is better, being on a road with the multitudes while you find yourself floundering and dying in an unnatural world, a world you don't understand and you fight every step of the way trying to fit in where you don't fit in? Or, is it better to choose the road that we less travelled and recognizing that this road is familiar because it's the road THAT LEADS HOME. The PROMISE LAND... With God, the Creator... The Savior... Where we'll discover lies hope, the awakening of the consciousness...

When we know there's a world that lies beyond this one, a world that is our home, then we must choose that path. At least if that's our destiny and if we are willing to walk it alone if necessary. Then we'll determine to choose the road less travelled, the one that makes us home. We click forward and onward. We penetrate that realm more deeply, seeking and searching WHAT LIES AHEAD... Providence opend doors that weren't closed but which are also unseen before now. Sounds and sights become visible. Things change. Reality changes before us. It's a different world than the natural world in which our body lives.

The physical world is all around us. It's what we see and once we have tasted. The heavenly realms and ascend to that level we don't view the natural world around us as other do. It becomes very foreign to us all. Just as foreign to us as our world is to them. But, WE MUST, however, PARTICIPATE in both worlds. We must keep one foot in the world where most of us are in because that's where our natural body lives and works. But we often are considered not normal because of our lack of desire to be a part of the natural world since this world no longer has anything to offer us. Frequently, we're attacked for not being ambitious, of for being lazy and to try to explain a different way of life to others only arouses anger from them because they simply can't see the world which we have occupied or we all rise from the lower level or from our birth...

The search for truth, or like a few calls it Shangri-La, is a far more ambituous and rewarding endeavor than any ambition or goal in this world. Heaven do really exist. I know and I do believe that higher reality exists. We seek a key to open the door into this world but then we find that we don't need a key. The door was always before us JUST WAITING FOR US TO WALK or ENTER in. We just didn't see the door before now.

For some of us who have found the door we wonder how we could have missed it. Why didn't we find it before now? But perhaps because, we are not ready; we weren't prepared enough to live in the higher world for now...

A lot of us may have asked over and over... How we're going to prepare for it? We seek, search the truth, we pray and we do listen to all the people around us. We search for inklings... But ins spite of all the things we've learned I do believe it still doesn't tell us how to find our way to the next life. Coz no one and nobody can really tell. Those things will just cause us to hunger for that world we know exists but can't yet to see... IT MAY BE A VERY LONELY PLACE TO BE, because we haven't been there yet...

Life is difficult, hard... Sometimes it can be rough, harsh and full of pain... But with all those, we do learn a lot of things and later find out that LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL...


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