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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Maristel blogs: How you see FRIENDS?

It's hard to tell "WHO", "WHAT" and "HOW" FRIENDS can be called as "YoUr FriEnD..." A lot of different things that would simply make you go loca and be confused about FRIENDSHIP. But, having "TOO MANY FRIENDS" isn't the basis of "The Most Friendly" title & thingies... I've had my own CiRcLe of FrIeNdS way - way back... There were some that might just slipped and go away but still YoU end up FRIENDS... There are some that yOu've been with "forever?" but yOu'll end up as the worst enemies... But as long as there are the "REAL THINGies" - friendship won't be much of a confusion...

There are some friends who measures the level of your intellectual side, which I think is so SHALLOW, NARROW... Yeah, they can be intelligent,,, as a friend - they're the bright ones, well then it's but just their responsibility to correct "a friend" when "a friend" might have done something wrong... Not good, if you see your friend laughing at your back from a mistake you've done...

There are some circles too that base their FrieNdsHip tHingy with the StaTus of each livEs... Rich, FaMous, Hot... The Hearthrobs... The Popular! Well, that's life... Sometimes, you've always wanted to be one of them... For they're the ones who always got EVERYTHING... Hot guys, luxuries...

Some base their ciRcLe with each beiNg a "KiKay..." You'Re aLL, cuTie... "paPam-Pam" "ma-Kelli..." sort of tHings... You do know how to approach a guy and be with them... Unlike the Popular and Hotties, maKikay is way tOo different in other ways... But still, we all don't kNow... There are maKikay who's ricH... But there are alSo makikay who's just a WANNABE... And of course, beiNg a member of that ciRcLe... yOu'LL do yOur veRy best to make tHat soMeone "BELONG" or "be a paRt of yOur grOupiE..." oR "to maKe a certain to make a JIVE" between that cerTain perSon and tHe rest oF yOur circLe...

Also,,, there aRe sOme, who sHows gReatneSs frOm tHe sTart... sHows "kiNd-heaRt" bUt as yOur fRiendsHip is gOing a lOnG way yOu are sLowLy reaLiziNg tHat wHateVer gOoDhEaRt yOu've shOwn tHem, "tHey wiLL neVer eVer aPpreciaTe iT..." YoU as the gOod One now, learned fRom yOur misTake and nOw teLL yOurSeLf, tHat it'S mucH beTteR beiNg frIends wiTh peopLe yOu never reaLLy tHought tHat you'LL be fRiEnDs wiTh...

I'vE met a lOt of diFfeRenT peopLe... I've mAde fRiEnds reaL eAsy... sOme may sEe me as a sNoB... bUt oNce tHey get tO kNow mE all tHose iMpreSsiOns thaT tHey had wiLL be forGoTten... cOz, I wAs nEvEr tHat type... I've aLways beEn oPen... What yOu seE is wHat yOu gEt... :) But sTiLL tHere aRe sOme wHo miSuNdeRsTood my cRedibiLity... I can't bLame tHem... MayBe "tHey neVer reaLLy like me fRom tHe sTart"...

It's aLriGht... It's fiNe wiTh me... As lOng as I've sHoWn the ReaL ME... I did my tHiNg,,, I gave my BesT... and did everyThiNg... nO qUesTioNs ask... i wOn'T asK... nOt eVen cOmpLaiN... wHat maTTers fOr me nOw is... I'VE NEVER BEEN SOMEONE that's the haRd tO pLeaSe tyPe..."

NoThin' mOre,,, nOtHin' leSs...

I've had a Lot oF fRiEnDs... aT soMe pOinT, i tHougHt i'Ve lOst tHem aLL, bUt, I NEVER DID... We may not aLwayS aSk eacH oTheR, How wE aRe, oR wHat... bUt as lOng aS WE haVe tHis cOnNecTiOn... No iFs, nO buTs... I kNow whAteVer haPpEns... We'll aLwayS be FrIeNds... aNd we'LL be fRieNds tiLL tHe cRabs leArn tO fLy...

iMpoSsibiLity, i kNow iT is... bUt tHat's hOw fRieNdsHip iS fOr mE... :)

fRiEndsHip iS gReaTer tHan LoVe... i'm jUst so tHanKfuL fOr fRiEnds wiLL aLways bE tHere fOr yOu... It maY not be "aLL of them" bUt in ceRtAin poInts, tHere aRe sOme whO'll aLways be tHere fOr yOu, if soMe can't... aNd tHat's hOw iT is...

FRIENDS will always be my GREATEST POSSESSION and I'd be fOrevEr tHankful aNd gRaTefUL haViNg fRieNds aLoNg tHe wAy... yOu may LOST sOme, bUt wHat we Lost hAs sOmetHiN' MORE - tHat wE jUst caN't see...

A GIFT that no mOney cAn eVer buy or paid in RETURN...


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